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Monday, 30 March 2015

Eugene Simon to portray a bigger role of Lancel Lannister in HBO's "Game of Thrones" Season 5

Spring break? I don't think so! Eugene Michael Simon, the star from Eden and House of Anubis is coming back to Game of Thrones in the brand new season.

Eugene Simon is going to play a much bigger role in season five of Game of Thrones as Lancel Lannister, and we're all for it. He told to a PopSugar Entertainment reporter in his interview about what drama is in store for him this season and opened up about joining an already close-knit cast while at the season premiere in San Francisco.

Eugene Simon’s Lancel Lannister may not have been the brawniest man in King’s Landing this season, but don’t let that fool you. Cersei’s bedfellow is about to grab his sword in an attempt to defend King Joffrey, his family and King’s Landing against the very experienced other forces.

In an exclusive interview, the actor himself teased the viewers about his character Lancel.

"Lancel’s gotta really, really pull his act together before the siege… But, Lancel does have to kind of get involved in the battle itself. It’s not going to be kind of watching it from the castle wall. There’s gonna be some action that he has to get involved in, which is a thrill to shoot actually — that whole siege. Night shoots are actually unbelievable." - says Eugene.

"I wouldn’t say that putting a sword in Lancel’s hand, at this moment, is something that I would kind of describe as one of his fortes. He’s not Jaime. As much as he would love to be Jaime, he isn’t. You will see a side of Lancel that has a little bit of skill with a sword, but that’s really for you to decide, once you’ve seen the actual battle itself." - he continues.

"Lancel – I’ve said it before – he’s not a coward. I wouldn’t want people to get the impression that he is someone who would just immediately run away from the fight. He has a lot of very, very strong principles in him and he’s willing to uphold them. I don’t think he’s one of those guys who… when push comes to shove… will run away. He might be reluctant, but he’s willing to do what’s necessary…"

What do you think? Are you willing to watch the new season of Game of Thrones? What are your thoughts on the House of Anubis star coming back to the show? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

BRAND NEW EPISODES: April 8th at 9 only on HBO.

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