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Wednesday, 23 April 2014

'House of Anubis' nominated for a Brazilian "Best Teen TV Programme" award, it's your turn to VOTE!

Hot spring weather is always a perfect time for surprises, especially when it's time to think about HOA! After the shows' big finale Touchstone of Ra premiere in Brazil reaching a succesful number of ratings, month later House of Anubis has suddendly been chosen to be involved in an online year poll where fans can vote & decide which show currently airing in Brazil is the best!

Currently, House of Anubis is taking the 2nd place in the online poll, but who knows! The success MIGHT 'accidentally' change if we don't keep voting, or even reach a higher ranking if we continue! What do you think? Does House of Anubis deserve to win over the not-less popular Boomerang's Pretty Little Liars? Maybe the wonderland of Disney's Violetta deserves to win this competition more? I don't think so. Though, all the shows are so far doing amazing, up to the fans to decide which one is the only that deserves the biggest victory. Don't understand Brazilian? No worries! You can vote for HOA by going to THIS WEBSITE, find a poll above, press on the option "Mistério de Anúbis (Nickelodeon)" and press the shiny 'Votar (Vote)'! One step to another, this may help us lead our show to our biggest goal - re-commissioned season 4! Remember, it's never too late to get one. And this is one of the steps we have to make! Don't forget to tweet us your opinions or message us on Tumblr! Thanks for reading our blog ~ Sibuna!

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