Nathalia Ramos, the actress from Nickelodeon's Groundbreaking hit Live-Action Mystery/Comedy/Drama themed series "House of Anubis", who plays Nina Martin, attended the Red Light Management's annual Grammy After party at SkyBar at the Mondrian Los Angeles on 26th of January, 2014 in West Hollywood, California. (Photos by Tibrina Hobson/FilmMagic)
Nathalia Ramos was born in Spain on July 3rd, 1992 to a Spanish pop star father (Juan Carlos Vaquero, usually known by his stage name 'Ivan') and an Australian mother. She moved to Melbourne, Australia at age two, then recolated to Miami Beach when she was four.
Nathalia attended North Beach Elementary, Nautilus middle school in Miami Beach and briefly attended Miami Beach Senior High during her freshman year. She was raised in her mother's Jewish religion.
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